Have you ever had questions about Electronics and could not find reliable answers online? Did you find contradicting information online and you are not sure who to believe?

Dose of Electronics aims to help as many people interested in Electronics and Computer Engineering as possible by creating articles about the theoretical basis, tools, and techniques necessary to successfully navigate your way into the world of Electronics and Computer Engineering. We want to create a trustworthy source of information about various topics related to Electronics and Computer Engineering, repairs, and other related topics – a learning hub for hobbyists and engineers alike.

We hope you will join us on this journey and help us achieve this goal!

Daniels Jānis Justs | Chief Editor

M.Eng. Daniels Jānis Justs has always enjoyed helping people and he hopes that Dose of Electronics will achieve this goal. Daniels has a Master’s degree in Electronics from Riga Technical University which laid a great theoretical foundation for his knowledge in the field. His work at the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science (EDI) further strengthened his know-how and broadened his perspective in the field by working on some national and various international scientific projects, which included work in the fields of digital signal and image processing, self-driving vehicles, artificial intelligence, autonomous drones, and heterogeneous embedded systems. Daniels’ main expertise is in FPGA and embedded system programming with experience in PCB design and machine learning solution deployment for such systems.

Kristiāna Juste | Content Director

B.Soc.Sc. Kristiāna Juste is the main content and digital marketing manager for Dose of Electronics. Kristiāna has a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Science from Riga Stradins University. During her studies, she realized her passion for digital content creation and management and decided to pursue it as a career. Kristiāna has been working in this field for almost 10 years now, overseeing various corporate and personal projects, and she hopes that her experience will help Dose of Electronics grow and reach its target audience.